Collective: a group of entities motivated to work together to achieve a common goal.

A boutique firm with a difference

We are a boutique government relations firm with a difference.  

We work by collecting people and ideas around identified problems, then mapping a path forward to a collective position.

To do this, we provide a range of services for our clients including:

  • Board support;

  • Strategy;

  • Policy;

  • Communications; and of course

  • Advocacy.  

Our success comes from the principle that collecting the right people around problems or opportunities then motivating them to act collectively always brings results.  

We know real outcomes are achieved when people are on the same page.

Our team supports clients right across regional Australia.  We also spend lots of time in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne to make the case to state and federal leaders that the regions should get their fair share. 


Find out more about our clients…

  • Regional Cities New South Wales

    We work with Regional Cities New South Wales to provide secretariat services, board support, government relations, advocacy, policy and communications support.

  • One Gippsland

    We work with One Gippsland to provide secretariat services, board support, government relations, advocacy, policy and communications support.

  • Peri Urban Group of Rural Councils

    We work with the Peri Urban Group of Rural Councils to provide secretariat services, board support, government relations, advocacy, policy and communications support.

  • Regional Capitals Australia

    We work with Regional Capitals Australia to provide secretariat services, board support, government relations, advocacy, policy and communications support.

  • South East Councils Climate Change Alliance

    We are provide the South East Councils Climate Change Alliance with advocacy and campaign support.

  • Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance

    We work with the Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance on policy, advocacy and communications.

What our clients say….

“Rachael Sweeney and the team at Collective Position have been a true champion of our industry.

Their political insights and advocacy have been unprecedented and have secured strong and respected relations between government and wine makers - very well done! ”

— Ross Brown, Brown Brothers Wine Group (Wine Victoria)

“The Collective Position team are effective, professional and well researched. They are also highly respected by the members of parliament we advocate to - what more could you want?”

—Mayor Shane Van Styn, City of Greater Geraldton & Board Member, Regional Capitals Australia

“I have worked with the team at Collective Position for several years. I find their knowledge across a wide range of policies invaluable and their guidance for advocating second to none. The service is incredibly professional and that makes my job as Chair and Mayor easy.”

— Cr Brett Tessari, Councillor, Bass Coast Shire & Past Chair of Peri Urban Councils Victoria and One Gippsland

“I have worked closely with the Collective Position for many years.

They have a comprehensive understanding of our sector, and their ability to establish a strong policy and advocacy platform for regional councils across Australia has been outstanding.

Collective Position have been the key to a respected ‘seat at the table’ as we engage with the State and Federal Government.”

— Paul Bennett, General Manager, Tamworth Regional Council